Monday, August 5, 2013

Applying the Runes to Different Situations

Occasionally, I come across a naysayer whose comment after a reading is, "You could have made any Rune apply to my situation."  The response to that comment is, of course, "Yes, I could."  However, that is kind of the point.  Any Rune can apply to any situation, but they do not apply in the same way and it is that latter aspect that matters.  For instance, Wunjo and Thurisaz would not apply to a situation in the same way.  We draw the Runes we draw because it is what that Rune is telling us about the situation that we need to realize or focus on or understand and act on.

To that end, today, I drew three Runes randomly - Berkana, Ehwaz, and Sowilo - and I want to show how they apply to three different aspects of my life - professional, myself/personal, and relationships (friends and family).  I'd like to ask you to figure out how they apply to yours too and let me know.

These are the Runes of beginnings (birch trees), the horse, and the sun, respectively.  But, as we know, they are much more than that.  Here is how I apply these three Runes to three different aspects of my life.

Professional Life - This year, I have seen a respectable jump in the amount of editing work I've been offered.  In addition, I have written a few articles, including one about the Runes, for a couple of different magazines and completed the draft of a young readers book series I'm writing with my daughter.  In the coming two months, I have more plans to draft a few synopses for the young readers series with my daughter, organize what I've written on the sequel to my first novel, The Son of Nine Sisters, and  finish off a few chapters there, and continue to build my professional writing and editing clientele.  I view this growth as the beginning (Berkana) of achieving my lifelong dream to be a full time writer.  Ehwaz, as the horse, reminds me of the strength I have shown in carrying the weight of starting this venture at this point in my life.  It also highlights the accomplishments I've made so far, but goes a step further to provide a reminder that the work is not done and that it requires cooperation and teamwork.  This signifies to me not only the support of my husband, but of my good friend, and colleague, Chantel, who has coached me through some of the more challenging moments on this journey.  Finally, Sowilo represents the sun, but it also signifies good fortune.  This serves as the guide I need to continue this path.  In sum, I have started a new path, but I don't travel it alone, even though it is my path; I have plenty of support to ensure good fortune as I fulfill my professional writing dream.

Myself/Personal Life - When I consider these Runes for myself, I have to look to recent events to give them context.  This summer has been a tough one for me with family illnesses and the loss of a loved one.  Therefore, I think of the sorrow I feel as a result of these events and realize that, while I process my grief, I must remember the lessons that come with each experience in our lives, whether joyous or sorrowful.  Through Berkana, they have started a transition in my life and I realize the importance of making the most of my time, starting new projects, taking risks, and not being afraid to kick ass.  It has revitalized a part of me that existed much more strongly in my youth.  This is my life and I need to do what it takes to be happy.  This is where Ehwaz comes in, to signify the pilgrimage to ensuring happiness.  However, a horse also makes the journey easier.  A horse is a loyal and helpful companion.  In an odd way, this tells me that I need to be a good companion to myself; I need to stand up for myself, something that is not always so easy, despite the ease with which I stand up for others.  Sowilo, with its feminine strength prompts me to release the stress and remember that I am a strong woman and and it is that undying strength I must summon to incorporate the lessons into my life and carry me forward to my personal happiness.

Relationships (friends and family) - I could apply this to any number of relationships that I have or to how I manage relationships over all.  However, I am making the conscious choice to focus these Runes on my relationship with my friend, colleague, and coach, Chantel, who I mentioned in the professional life section.  I am doing this not because I see a simple link between them and my relationship with Chantel, rather because this is an important relationship in my life and it is good for me to check in and make sure that I am doing all I can to keep it a happy and healthy one.  Honestly, Berkana is a tough one at first.  I've had to think about this, but I believe it ties into our working relationship.  We are just beginning to fine tune some of the projects we are working on together.  The birch tree is a coppicing tree;  it regenerates after its cut.  I'm not sure any tree or Rune could better represent not only my relationship with Chantel, but one of our shared characteristics as individuals.  No matter what happens, we always come (bounce) back.  So, this Rune symbolizes our projects and our commitment to bring things to fruition despite setbacks and obstacles.  Ehwaz as a sign of loyalty that connects us too.  This Rune tells me to ensure that I am there for my friend the way that she is there for me.  The beauty of this is that it doesn't just mean to lift her up in bad times; it means celebrating her accomplishments and reminding her of all the amazing things about her and giving her a figurative kick in the pants when she needs it.  Thank you Ehwaz for the important reminder.  I confess, Sowilo does fit nicely into this relationship, because Chantel has been a bright spot in my life for more than twenty years.  She has brought great and powerful energy into my life and I am grateful for it everyday.  To me, it also signifies the strong feminine energy we exude when we are together.  Together, we can do anything we set our minds to.  Now, we are harnessing that energy and our loyalty to each other and undertaking some creative projects together.

If you have the time, sit with these Runes and share with me how they resonate with you.  Have a wonderful week.


  1. Bright blessings Karen, you are a very talented writer. I am not learned in runes as yourself. But feel drawn to them. They are another aspect of my life's study.
    Reading your word's, the balance and harmony come together like notes in a soothing composed musical.

    Blessed be, Darrin.

    1. Hi Darrin, Thank you for your kind words. Like you, I felt drawn to the Runes and they comprise a big part of my study and spirituality. I hope you will keep me posted on your work and let me know if I can help.
