Monday, June 6, 2011

Runes 101 - Runes in Mythology 2

In our last "class", I summarized how Odin gets the Runes and, then, likely studies them and comes to understand their magic.  This is where things get even more interesting.  After Odin grasps the Runes literally and figuratively, he does two things - he poses a series of questions and shares eighteen Rune spells.

I'll save the spells for next time, but for now, Odin asks if we know how to write, read, stain, understand, ask, offer, supplicate, and sacrifice.  These questions indicate that there are many aspects to knowing truly what the Runes can tell us as well as questioning our ability to work with and interpret the Runes.  It could also be that these questions represent a process one must undertake to master the Runes.

Because I want to understand the Runes and be able to interpret them, I drew Runes around this very issue.  I did a 3-Rune draw and received Gebo for the overview, Thurisaz as the challenge, and Teiwaz reversed for the action.

Gebo is the Rune of Partnership.  This Rune represents partnerships in general, but also calls into question the relationship or partnership of the self with the Self, what I explain as the daily average self and who you are on the inside, the spiritual Self.  Gebo offers the gift of freedom from which all other gifts can flow.

Sounds good so far, right?  Thurisaz is the challenge within this goal I have set for myself.  Drawing this Rune indicates my readiness to pass through a gateway, but, at the same, time, is a Rune of non-action in the sense that it calls for contemplation.  There is still work to be done by me and Thurisaz increases my ability to wait for the right moment.  For now, more preparation is required.

Lastly, I drew Teiwaz reversed.  Teiwaz is the Warrior Rune and, reversed, it reinforces contemplation and focuses me on discerning whether this endeavor is for self-conquest or to dominate another, while reminding me that I must address the task for the sake of the task itself.  What is most interesting is that I asked the Runes if I am ready to complete the process that Odin describes through his questions and, the final thing that Teiwaz reversed points out is that, when we consult the Runes, we are, in actuality, consulting the Self, an appropriate action for the Spiritual Warrior.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I'm a new follower and found you via Nordic Mythology & Scandinavian Folklore on Facebook.

    I wanted to give you some feedback on your post. I like your post, but here's one thing I would point out. The 18 "spells" that Odin gave are typically called 'kennings' which roughly translates to riddles. There are 3 different sets of these kennings currently in publication and Sweyn Plowright's book 'The Rune Primer' gives each rune it's 3 different kenning. You should check these out. It's kind of cool to see how the 3 different translations vary from one another. And it's even cooler to take those different translations and work them into your readings and rune work.

    I can tell by the way you're spelling your rune names that you're more than likely using Ralph Blum's 'The Book of Runes.' I highly recommend Plowright's book and another book titled 'Rudiments of Runelore' as they'll aid you better in your journey with the runes.

    I look forward to reading more of your journal :)
