In the past few months, more and more people have come to me seeking guidance from the Runes about how to get out of the funk that is surrounding them, how to deal with the chaos that seems to be invading the world, and to simply get out of the rut that they're in. In short, more than at any other time I can remember in the past few decades, people are feeling discouraged, sad, frustrated, and even angry most of the time. This is true on multiple levels - the individual, community (regional, national), and global levels.
When a friend of mine told me that she just wants to be happy again, but can't seem to find a way, that prompted me to write about this general sensation through a dialogue with the Runes.
I began the conversation by asking a basic question: When we're in a funk, how can we get out?
Normally, the answer comes in a single Rune, but this time, the Runes gave me three - Jera, Gebo, Berkana - to acknowledge the situation and reframe our thinking.
Runes: Jera is the Runes of the year, and there can be no doubt that the past year (past while) has been hard - the growing funk to which you refer. This gives your question context. Gebo also presents us with a challenge in two ways. First, we have been giving of ourselves and not in the usual willing way (not out of choice, but out of circumstance), but we must find a way to change the tide of things. That is the second part - the challenge. How do we turn something that seems to be a negative into a positive? Berkana affords that conscious beginning. You are acknowledging that you want to change things. That is the starting point. Now, is the time to take action.
Me: But how? What is that step?
Runes: Begin by acknowledging your funk and accepting the challenge it presents. With that recognition comes the opportunity to begin to address it. To take a first step. Let Raido set the path for that journey. Raido falls under Jera (see image above), to remind you that the journey will take time. Eihwaz, the yew tree, represents your inner strength; it is what will help you face the challenge of the funk that Gebo gives, and step away from it. One of the easiest ways to find the strength to begin is to use Fehu find something that you value.
Me: That makes sense, but it can't be that simple.
Runes: It is true that some things are easier said than done, but sometimes humans make things harder than they need to be. Mannaz, the Rune of Humanity, embodies this struggle, but it is also a reminder that humans are not perfect. Mistakes will be made, but working to correct them and to ultimately make the change you want is all part of Mannaz. Fehu, once again, reminds you that if you really want to make a change, focus on something that you value, something that is important enough to you that you are willing to do something about it. Don't try to do it all or be everything to everyone or every cause. When you are in a rut or funk or everything seems like it has gone to shit, you cannot keep doing things the same way. Kenaz represents creativity and innovation. Find a new approach, but don't give up.
Me: Thank you. That does help to clarify things. It is important to remember that most of what we do is our choice and I think those Runes remind us of that. It sounds like we have to focus on our individual actions.
Runes: That is true, but individuals don't function on a singular level. Within each of us are small daily things that we do that build on larger ideals that we continue to aim for. For example, it is fair to say that people want to be happy, but happy is a broad, higher level way of being. Wunjo represents that goal. But how does one achieve it? They achieve it by empowering themselves through those smaller daily activities. There is a lot of power behind this simple statement. Thurisaz, the thorn Rune, is a Rune of power. As you build that power or empowerment, and channel it toward the things that you value, you will be able to manage the rut, funk, and chaos found in Hagalaz. Remember, the hail Rune has two parts - the initial destructive force and the beginning that happens once the hail melts. If you are working toward that higher level joy, and can remain focused on that, you will be able to deal not only with this funk and chaos, but the next round that may come your way.